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Under Debt Review Can I Buy A Car

    If I am under debt review can I buy a car?

    First lets take a quick look at what is debt review. Debt review is a process whereby a person that has excessive debt consults with a debt councillor. The debt councillor then assesses your debt profile and will negotiate with your credit providers to reduce interest rates and increase payment terms in order to reduce your monthly payments.

    However, while under debt review you have a negative credit profile which restricts you from entering into any more formal credit agreements.

    You Can Rent To Own A Car

    If I Am Under Debt Review Can I Buy A Car?

    The good news is that even if you are under debt review you can take advantage of our incredible deals that allow you to rent to own a car.

    Under debt review can I buy a car

    There are good and bad sides to being under debt review and one of the bad sides is that if your situation requires you to buy a car, unless you are buying cash, you simply can not get a car through normal channels. Life changes and you will often discover that where you perhaps did not need a car previously, you now can not do without a reliable car.

    Rent To Own has specially structured deals whereby you pay a deposit on the car and then continue to rent the vehicle from us for a set period of time. Once this period is over we consider the car to be yours.

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